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Beef Wellington


2 lb beef tenderloin
Salt and black pepper to taste
2 tbsp olive oil
1 lb mushrooms, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp truffle oil
1 sheet puff pastry
1 cup chicken liver pate
1 egg (for egg wash)

For Red Wine Sauce:
1 cup red wine
1 cup beef broth
2 tbsp butter
1 shallot, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
Season beef tenderloin with salt and pepper. In a hot pan, sear the beef on all sides until browned. Allow it to cool.
In the same pan, add olive oil, garlic, and mushrooms. Sauté until mushrooms release their moisture and it evaporates. Add truffle oil, stir, and let it cool. Mixed the chicken liver Pate with chopped herbs.
Roll out puff pastry on a floured surface. Spread a layer of mushroom duxelle over the pastry.
Place the seared beef in the center, then wrap the pastry, sealing edges. Brush with beaten egg for a golden finish.
Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown.

For Red Wine Sauce:
In a saucepan, sauté shallot in butter until translucent.
Pour in red wine, simmer until reduced by half.
Add beef broth, salt, and pepper. Simmer until desired consistency.
Strain the sauce to remove solids.
Serve Beef Wellington slices with a drizzle of red wine sauce. Enjoy your gourmet masterpiece!

Serving/Nutritional Facts

Calories: 800
Protein: 35g
Carbohydrates: 30g
Total Fat: 60g
Saturated Fat: 20g
Trans Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 150mg
Sodium: 900mg
Fiber: 3g
Sugar: 2g

About Me

I’m Byron Ella, hailing from the beautiful Philippines. My culinary journey began as a commis galley with Crystal Cruises back in 2016, where I honed my skills and passion for the art of cooking. Transitioning to Seabourn Cruiselines, I embraced the role of a Demi Chef de Partie, delving deeper into the intricate world of gourmet cuisine.

Overall Time of Preparation & Other Info

Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes (Beef Wellington), 15 minutes (Red Wine Sauce)
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Note: Nutritional values are approximate and may vary based on specific ingredients used and portion sizes. Adjustments can be made based on dietary preferences and restrictions.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you master the art of making Beef Wellington:

Choose Quality Ingredients:
Start with a high-quality beef tenderloin. Opt for fresh, flavorful mushrooms for the duxelle, and consider using fresh truffle or high-quality truffle oil for an extra layer of richness.

Sear the Beef:
Before wrapping the beef, sear it on all sides. This not only adds flavor but also helps seal in the juices, preventing the pastry from getting soggy.

Pat Dry Ingredients:
Ensure that both the beef and mushroom duxelle are dry before assembling the Wellington. Excess moisture can lead to a soggy pastry.

Chill the Components:
Chill the mushroom duxelle and seared beef before assembling. Cold ingredients help maintain the integrity of the puff pastry during baking.

Use Puff Pastry:
Invest in good-quality puff pastry or, if you have the time, consider making your own. It should be rolled out thinly but still sturdy enough to encase the beef.

Layer with Pate:
Adding a layer of chicken liver pate before the mushroom duxelle can enhance the richness of the dish. Ensure the pate is spread evenly for a balanced flavor.

Be Mindful of Seasoning:
Season each component appropriately. The beef, mushroom duxelle, and pate should all be well-seasoned to contribute to the overall flavor profile.

Seal the Edges Well:
When wrapping the beef, ensure that the edges of the pastry are sealed tightly. This helps the Wellington hold its shape during baking.

Decorate the Pastry:
Get creative with the pastry’s design. A well-decorated Wellington not only looks impressive but also adds an extra touch of elegance to your dish.

Rest Before Serving:
Allow the Beef Wellington to rest for a few minutes after baking. This helps redistribute the juices, ensuring a juicy and tender result when sliced.

Accompany with a Sauce:
Serve your Beef Wellington with a complementary sauce, such as a red wine reduction. The sauce adds another layer of flavor and sophistication to the dish.

Practice Makes Perfect:
Beef Wellington can be a challenging dish, especially if you’re attempting it for the first time. Consider practicing with smaller portions or trying a simpler version before tackling a grand presentation.

Beef Wellington is a classic dish that has stood the test of time, celebrated for its rich flavors and impressive presentation. This iconic recipe, believed to have originated in England, has become synonymous with gourmet dining and special occasions.

The Origin:
The exact origins of Beef Wellington are a subject of culinary debate, but many credit its creation to the Duke of Wellington, a prominent figure in 19th-century British history. Legend has it that the dish was named in his honor after his victory at the Battle of Waterloo. However, historical evidence for this association is scarce, and the true roots of Beef Wellington remain somewhat elusive.

The Composition:
At its core, Beef Wellington is a symphony of flavors and textures. A succulent beef tenderloin is typically the star of the show, enveloped in a layer of mushroom duxelle—a finely chopped mixture of mushrooms, garlic, and sometimes shallots. This savory concoction not only adds depth to the dish but also helps seal in the juices of the beef. Truffle oil, another luxurious touch, infuses the mushrooms with an earthy aroma, elevating the overall experience.

Encasing this flavorful ensemble is a golden-brown puff pastry, which not only provides a delightful crunch but also serves as a stunning outer layer. The pastry is often spread with a layer of chicken liver pate before enveloping the beef, adding an extra layer of richness to the dish.

The Art of Preparation:
Creating Beef Wellington is a culinary art that requires precision and patience. The beef is first seared to lock in its juices, then coated with the mushroom duxelle and encased in the puff pastry. The entire creation is then baked to perfection, resulting in a golden crust that hides the flavorful treasure within.

Accompanying Elegance:
No Beef Wellington is truly complete without a complementary sauce. A red wine reduction, made by simmering red wine, beef broth, shallots, and butter, adds a velvety touch to each slice. The sauce not only enhances the overall taste but also adds a touch of sophistication to the dish.

Modern Variations:
While the traditional Beef Wellington remains a timeless favorite, chefs around the world have put their own spin on this classic. Variations may include different types of mushrooms, alternative proteins like lamb or salmon, and diverse pastry styles. These adaptations showcase the dish’s versatility while preserving its essence.

Beef Wellington continues to capture the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts globally. Its combination of tender beef, earthy mushrooms, and buttery pastry creates a culinary experience that transcends time and trends. Whether enjoyed during a festive celebration or an intimate dinner, Beef Wellington stands as a testament to the artistry of classic cuisine.

Elevating Beef Wellington to Michelin Culinary Excellence

In the realm of haute cuisine, Beef Wellington undergoes a transformation when touched by the artistry found in Michelin-starred kitchens. The traditional dish takes on new dimensions of flavor, presentation, and technique, creating a gastronomic experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.

Prime Selection of Ingredients:
Michelin-style Beef Wellington begins with an emphasis on the finest ingredients. A prime-grade beef tenderloin sourced with meticulous care forms the foundation, ensuring unparalleled tenderness and flavor. The mushrooms, often exotic varieties, are handpicked for their unique profiles, while truffle oil is replaced with fresh truffle shavings, infusing an intense, earthy aroma.

Precision in Technique:
The preparation of the beef in Michelin-style Beef Wellington is a meticulous process. Sous-vide cooking, a technique favored in top-tier kitchens, is employed to achieve a perfect internal temperature. This method guarantees a uniform doneness, preserving the meat’s succulence before the delicate wrapping in mushroom duxelle and puff pastry.

Artful Presentation:
Presentation is elevated to an art form in Michelin culinary style. The puff pastry is not merely a casing but a canvas for intricate designs. Chefs may craft delicate lattice patterns or other artistic flourishes, showcasing their culinary prowess. Each slice, when served, reveals a masterpiece of layers, textures, and flavors that transcend the ordinary.

Innovative Flavor Profiles:
Michelin-starred chefs often push the boundaries of flavor. In this rendition, the mushroom duxelle may incorporate rare fungi varieties, providing a symphony of tastes and textures. The chicken liver pate, if included, could be infused with exotic spices or spirits, adding a surprising nuance to each bite. These subtle enhancements create a dish that surprises and delights the palate at every turn.

Accompaniments of Distinction:
The red wine reduction takes on a new depth, perhaps aged for years or infused with rare herbs. Complementary side dishes, such as truffle-infused mashed potatoes or microgreens dressed in a delicate vinaigrette, add layers of sophistication to the dining experience.

The Experience Beyond Taste:
In Michelin culinary style, dining is an experience that extends beyond taste. Every element, from the choice of tableware to the ambiance of the dining space, contributes to the overall impression. Attention to detail in service and a seamless orchestration of courses elevate the enjoyment of Beef Wellington to a sensory journey.
Michelin-style Beef Wellington epitomizes the pinnacle of culinary craftsmanship. It is not just a dish; it is a symphony of flavor, technique, and presentation that reflects the dedication of chefs committed to delivering an unparalleled dining experience. As it graces the tables of Michelin-starred establishments, Beef Wellington undergoes a metamorphosis into a culinary masterpiece that lingers in the memory of those fortunate enough to savor its extraordinary .

Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Culinaryville, there lived a renowned chef named Marcel Wellington. His restaurant, “Gastronomique Elysium,” was celebrated far and wide for its divine creations. However, hidden within its bustling kitchen was a secret that whispered through the culinary circles—a mysterious recipe known only to Chef Wellington himself.

Legend had it that Marcel Wellington possessed the knowledge to create the most extraordinary Beef Wellington that transcended ordinary palates. It wasn’t just a dish; it was an experience, a journey through flavors that left diners enchanted and craving more.

One fateful evening, a young aspiring chef named Amelia arrived in Culinaryville, drawn by tales of Chef Wellington’s legendary creation. Determined to unravel the secret, she secured a position in “Gastronomique Elysium.” The kitchen buzzed with excitement as Marcel Wellington took her under his wing, entrusting her with tasks that hinted at the grand revelation to come.

As the seasons passed, Amelia immersed herself in the art of culinary excellence. Chef Wellington, impressed by her dedication, decided it was time to share the fabled recipe. The secret ingredient, he revealed, was a rare truffle hidden deep within the enchanted forest surrounding Culinaryville.

Under the moonlit night, Amelia embarked on a culinary odyssey, guided by Chef Wellington’s cryptic map. Through the whispering trees and rustling leaves, she reached the heart of the forest, where the mystical truffle awaited. With each step, the air became infused with the essence of the secret ingredient.

Upon her return, armed with the precious truffle, Amelia and Chef Wellington began the creation of the legendary Beef Wellington. The kitchen transformed into a magical realm, filled with the aroma of the rare truffle, the symphony of sizzling beef, and the delicate dance of pastry.

The enchanted Beef Wellington emerged from the oven, its golden crust glistening with a sprinkle of culinary magic. As Chef Wellington and Amelia sliced into the masterpiece, the room was filled with a chorus of delight. Diners, unaware of the mystical journey that led to their plates, savored a taste that lingered in their memories.

News of the enchanted Beef Wellington spread like wildfire, drawing visitors from distant lands to experience the magic of Culinaryville. Chef Wellington, with a twinkle in his eye, continued to pass on the secret to a chosen few, ensuring that the culinary legacy lived on.

And so, the tale of Wellington’s secret became a culinary legend, whispered among chefs and food enthusiasts, a story of a magical recipe that transcended the ordinary and left an indelible mark on the world of gastronomy. Beef Wellington with Mushroom Duxelle, Truffle Oil, and Chicken Pate, served with Red Wine Sauce: