+63 939 845 8851

Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley


4 fresh salmon fillets (approximately 6 oz each)
1 cup cherry blossom tea-infused jasmine rice
1/2 cup pickled ginger coulis
1/4 cup yuzu miso glaze
2 tablespoons black sesame seeds
1 cup daikon radish sprouts
1/4 cup edible cherry blossoms (for garnish)
Sea salt and black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil


Cherry Blossom Tea-Infused Jasmine Rice:

Prepare jasmine rice according to package instructions, substituting water with cherry blossom tea for a delicate floral flavor.

Salmon Fillets

Season the salmon fillets with sea salt and black pepper.
In a pan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat.
Sear the salmon fillets skin-side down for 3-4 minutes until crispy, then flip and cook the other side for an additional 3-4 minutes or until the salmon is cooked to your liking.

Pickled Ginger Coulis:

Blend pickled ginger until smooth to create a coulis.

Yuzu Miso Glaze:

Mix yuzu juice with miso paste to create a glaze. Adjust the ratio to achieve the desired balance of citrus and umami flavors.


Place a mound of cherry blossom tea-infused jasmine rice in the center of each plate.
Position the seared salmon fillet on top of the rice.
Drizzle the pickled ginger coulis and yuzu miso glaze over the salmon.
Sprinkle black sesame seeds around the plate for texture.
Garnish with a generous handful of daikon radish sprouts and edible cherry blossoms.


Arrange the dish with artistic flair, paying attention to color contrast and balance.
Ensure that the cherry blossoms are strategically placed for visual appeal.

Serving/Nutritional Facts

Calories: Approximately 500-600 kcal
Protein: Around 30-40g
Fat: Approximately 20-30g
Carbohydrates: About 40-50g
Fiber: Around 2-4g

About Me

I’m Byron Ella, hailing from the beautiful Philippines. My culinary journey began as a commis galley with Crystal Cruises back in 2016, where I honed my skills and passion for the art of cooking. Transitioning to Seabourn Cruiselines, I embraced the role of a Demi Chef de Partie, delving deeper into the intricate world of gourmet cuisine.

Overall Time of Preparation & Other Info

Total Time of Preparation and Cooking:

Preparation Time: 30-40 minutes
This includes the time needed to prepare and marinate the salmon, brew the cherry blossom tea, and infuse the jasmine rice.

Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes
Searing the salmon, cooking the infused jasmine rice, and preparing the pickled ginger coulis and yuzu miso glazed.

Culinary Marvel: Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley

In the world of haute cuisine, where innovation is revered, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley emerges as a testament to the culinary arts’ ever-evolving landscape. This dish is not merely a feast for the senses; it is an experience that pushes the boundaries of creativity and indulges the palate in a symphony of flavors.

The Quintessence of Salmon Sophistication:

Salmon, known for its versatility and rich omega-3 goodness, takes center stage in this culinary performance. The careful selection of fresh fillets ensures a buttery texture and a depth of flavor that harmonizes with the other components of the dish. Each bite of the seared salmon fillet reveals a perfect union of crispiness and succulence, embodying the essence of gastronomic sophistication.

Floral Symphony of Cherry Blossom Tea-Infused Jasmine Rice:

The culinary journey begins with a departure from the ordinary, as the bed of jasmine rice is infused with the delicate essence of cherry blossom tea. The result is a rice medley that not only complements the salmon but also introduces a nuanced floral dimension to the dish. The marriage of flavors between the salmon and the infused rice is a testament to the chef’s dedication to elevating each component.

Zestful Elegance: Pickled Ginger Coulis:

Adding a vibrant touch to the composition is the pickled ginger coulis—a flavorful cascade that intertwines with the salmon’s richness. This zesty element not only provides a visual contrast but also imparts a delightful tang, awakening the taste buds and creating a perfect balance in the overall flavor profile.

Yuzu Miso Glaze: A Citrusy Umami Revelation:

The pièce de résistance, the yuzu miso glaze, introduces a citrusy crescendo that dances on the palate. The marriage of yuzu’s bright notes and miso’s savory depth creates a glaze that not only enhances the salmon’s umami character but also imparts a unique and memorable aspect to the culinary journey.

Visual Opulence: Presentation with Purpose:

True to the Michelin ethos, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley isn’t just a dish; it’s an art form. The meticulous plating showcases the chef’s dedication to visual opulence. The contrast of colors, the strategic placement of ingredients, and the overall presentation transform this dish into a visual spectacle, inviting diners to savor the experience with their eyes before indulging in the culinary delight.

A Culinary Ode to Creativity:

As one delves into the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley, it becomes evident that this dish is more than the sum of its parts. It is a culinary ode to creativity, a celebration of flavors that challenges the status quo and invites diners to embrace the extraordinary. In a world where gastronomy is a constantly evolving art, this Michelin-inspired creation stands as a beacon of ingenuity and a testament to the boundless possibilities within the realm of culinary excellence.

The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley is not just a dish one consumes; it is an experience that lingers in the memory—a masterpiece that invites diners to appreciate the artistry, innovation, and dedication woven into every element. As the culinary world continues to evolve, this dish stands as a shining example of the heights that can be reached when imagination meets precision in the pursuit of gastronomic perfection.

Tips and Tricks for Crafting Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley at Home:

Selecting Fresh Salmon:

Opt for high-quality, fresh salmon fillets with vibrant color and firm texture. If possible, source sustainable and responsibly harvested salmon.
Infusing Cherry Blossom Tea into Jasmine Rice:

Brew a strong cup of cherry blossom tea and use it to replace water when cooking jasmine rice. Allow the rice to absorb the delicate floral notes for at least 30 minutes before cooking.

Perfecting the Seared Salmon:

Pat the salmon fillets dry with paper towels before seasoning to ensure a crispy sear.
Use a hot pan with olive oil for searing, starting with the skin-side down for that golden crispiness.

Creating Pickled Ginger Coulis:
Ensure the pickled ginger is finely blended for a smooth coulis.
Adjust the amount of pickled ginger based on personal preference to achieve the desired level of zing.

Mastering Yuzu Miso Glaze:
Experiment with the ratio of yuzu juice to miso paste to find the right balance between citrusy brightness and umami depth.
Warm the glaze slightly before drizzling for better consistency.

Garnishing with Edible Cherry Blossoms:
Only use edible cherry blossoms from reputable sources to ensure they are safe for consumption.
Gently place the blossoms on the dish just before serving to preserve their delicate appearance.

Plating with Precision:
Consider the visual appeal when arranging components on the plate. Aim for a balanced and aesthetically pleasing presentation.

History and Background

The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley draws inspiration from the rich culinary traditions of both Japanese and Michelin-starred cuisines.

Japanese Influence:
The infusion of cherry blossom tea into jasmine rice pays homage to Japan’s cultural affinity for cherry blossoms, symbolizing the transient beauty of life. This dish subtly incorporates these cultural elements, adding depth and significance to the culinary experience.

Michelin-Starred Inspiration:
The meticulous attention to detail in plating, the unique flavor combinations, and the overall artistic presentation are inspired by the standards set by Michelin-starred establishments. This dish aims to encapsulate the essence of fine dining, bringing a touch of gastronomic sophistication to the home kitchen.

Home Cooking Advice:

Preparation Order:
Plan your preparation order to ensure all components are ready simultaneously. Start by brewing the cherry blossom tea, then marinate the salmon, and finally prepare the pickled ginger coulis and yuzu miso glaze.

Timing for Perfection:
Searing the salmon just before serving ensures it retains its crispiness. The pickled ginger coulis and yuzu miso glaze can be made ahead, but drizzle them over the salmon right before serving for optimal freshness.

Feel free to tailor the dish to your preferences. Adjust the level of pickled ginger for more or less zing, experiment with the thickness of the yuzu miso glaze, or try different varieties of cherry blossom tea to find your perfect flavor profile.

Ingredient Quality:
Invest in high-quality ingredients, especially for the salmon. Freshness and quality play a pivotal role in elevating the overall dining experience.

By embracing the fusion of cultural influences, adhering to culinary precision, and infusing creativity into the home kitchen, one can recreate the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley—a dish that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also tells a story of culinary innovation and appreciation.

Gastronomic Brilliance: The Relevance of Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley to the Michelin Guide

In the illustrious realm of culinary excellence, where Michelin stars are the ultimate accolade, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley emerges as a dish that not only pays homage to tradition but also showcases innovation and artistry. Its relevance to the Michelin Guide lies in a harmonious blend of flavors, meticulous presentation, and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of gastronomic delight.

A Culinary Overture:

The Michelin Guide, synonymous with discerning taste and culinary mastery, recognizes restaurants that demonstrate exceptional quality and creativity. The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, embodies the essence of what Michelin-starred establishments strive to achieve—a perfect harmony of taste, texture, and visual appeal.

Innovative Fusion:

At the core of the dish is the infusion of cherry blossom tea into jasmine rice, a creative departure from conventional culinary practices. This innovative fusion not only adds a delicate floral note but also showcases the chef’s willingness to explore uncharted territories—a quality highly appreciated by the Michelin Guide.

The Symphony of Flavors:

The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley presents a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. The seared salmon, with its crispy skin and succulent flesh, is complemented by the zesty kick of pickled ginger coulis and the citrusy umami revelation of yuzu miso glaze. Each component is carefully balanced, creating a culinary experience that resonates with the sophisticated palates Michelin seeks to applaud.

Artistic Presentation:

True to the Michelin ethos, the dish’s presentation is a visual masterpiece. The careful placement of components, the use of edible cherry blossoms for a touch of elegance, and the overall aesthetic appeal reflect an artistic vision that aligns with the Michelin Guide’s appreciation for not only taste but also visual delight.

A Culinary Journey Worth Celebrating:

The relevance of Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley to the Michelin Guide is rooted in its ability to offer diners a unique and memorable culinary journey. It goes beyond being a mere dish; it is an experience that engages the senses, tells a story of innovation, and embraces the spirit of gastronomic exploration—a narrative that echoes the values upheld by Michelin-starred establishments.

The Quest for Culinary Excellence:

In a world where the pursuit of culinary excellence is a journey rather than a destination, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley stands as a testament to the relevance of tradition meeting innovation, and sophistication meeting creativity. It is an invitation to appreciate the evolving landscape of gastronomy—a journey that Michelin has championed for over a century.

As the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley graces the tables of those who seek culinary brilliance, it exemplifies the qualities that Michelin-starred establishments celebrate: precision, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to delivering an unparalleled dining experience. This dish, with its fusion of flavors and artistry, is not just a creation—it is a gastronomic masterpiece that speaks the language of Michelin-starred recognition.

Gastronomic Brilliance: The Relevance of Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley to the Michelin Guide

In the illustrious realm of culinary excellence, where Michelin stars are the ultimate accolade, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley emerges as a dish that not only pays homage to tradition but also showcases innovation and artistry. Its relevance to the Michelin Guide lies in a harmonious blend of flavors, meticulous presentation, and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of gastronomic delight.

A Culinary Overture:

The Michelin Guide, synonymous with discerning taste and culinary mastery, recognizes restaurants that demonstrate exceptional quality and creativity. The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, embodies the essence of what Michelin-starred establishments strive to achieve—a perfect harmony of taste, texture, and visual appeal.

Innovative Fusion:

At the core of the dish is the infusion of cherry blossom tea into jasmine rice, a creative departure from conventional culinary practices. This innovative fusion not only adds a delicate floral note but also showcases the chef’s willingness to explore uncharted territories—a quality highly appreciated by the Michelin Guide.

The Symphony of Flavors:

The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley presents a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. The seared salmon, with its crispy skin and succulent flesh, is complemented by the zesty kick of pickled ginger coulis and the citrusy umami revelation of yuzu miso glaze. Each component is carefully balanced, creating a culinary experience that resonates with the sophisticated palates Michelin seeks to applaud.

Artistic Presentation:

True to the Michelin ethos, the dish’s presentation is a visual masterpiece. The careful placement of components, the use of edible cherry blossoms for a touch of elegance, and the overall aesthetic appeal reflect an artistic vision that aligns with the Michelin Guide’s appreciation for not only taste but also visual delight.

A Culinary Journey Worth Celebrating:

The relevance of Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley to the Michelin Guide is rooted in its ability to offer diners a unique and memorable culinary journey. It goes beyond being a mere dish; it is an experience that engages the senses, tells a story of innovation, and embraces the spirit of gastronomic exploration—a narrative that echoes the values upheld by Michelin-starred establishments.

The Quest for Culinary Excellence:

In a world where the pursuit of culinary excellence is a journey rather than a destination, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley stands as a testament to the relevance of tradition meeting innovation, and sophistication meeting creativity. It is an invitation to appreciate the evolving landscape of gastronomy—a journey that Michelin has championed for over a century.

As the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley graces the tables of those who seek culinary brilliance, it exemplifies the qualities that Michelin-starred establishments celebrate: precision, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to delivering an unparalleled dining experience. This dish, with its fusion of flavors and artistry, is not just a creation—it is a gastronomic masterpiece that speaks the language of Michelin-starred recognition.

Gastronomic Brilliance: The Relevance of Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley to the Michelin Guide

In the illustrious realm of culinary excellence, where Michelin stars are the ultimate accolade, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley emerges as a dish that not only pays homage to tradition but also showcases innovation and artistry. Its relevance to the Michelin Guide lies in a harmonious blend of flavors, meticulous presentation, and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of gastronomic delight.

A Culinary Overture:

The Michelin Guide, synonymous with discerning taste and culinary mastery, recognizes restaurants that demonstrate exceptional quality and creativity. The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, embodies the essence of what Michelin-starred establishments strive to achieve—a perfect harmony of taste, texture, and visual appeal.

Innovative Fusion:

At the core of the dish is the infusion of cherry blossom tea into jasmine rice, a creative departure from conventional culinary practices. This innovative fusion not only adds a delicate floral note but also showcases the chef’s willingness to explore uncharted territories—a quality highly appreciated by the Michelin Guide.

The Symphony of Flavors:

The Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley presents a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. The seared salmon, with its crispy skin and succulent flesh, is complemented by the zesty kick of pickled ginger coulis and the citrusy umami revelation of yuzu miso glaze. Each component is carefully balanced, creating a culinary experience that resonates with the sophisticated palates Michelin seeks to applaud.

Artistic Presentation:

True to the Michelin ethos, the dish’s presentation is a visual masterpiece. The careful placement of components, the use of edible cherry blossoms for a touch of elegance, and the overall aesthetic appeal reflect an artistic vision that aligns with the Michelin Guide’s appreciation for not only taste but also visual delight.

A Culinary Journey Worth Celebrating:

The relevance of Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley to the Michelin Guide is rooted in its ability to offer diners a unique and memorable culinary journey. It goes beyond being a mere dish; it is an experience that engages the senses, tells a story of innovation, and embraces the spirit of gastronomic exploration—a narrative that echoes the values upheld by Michelin-starred establishments.

The Quest for Culinary Excellence:

In a world where the pursuit of culinary excellence is a journey rather than a destination, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley stands as a testament to the relevance of tradition meeting innovation, and sophistication meeting creativity. It is an invitation to appreciate the evolving landscape of gastronomy—a journey that Michelin has championed for over a century.

As the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley graces the tables of those who seek culinary brilliance, it exemplifies the qualities that Michelin-starred establishments celebrate: precision, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to delivering an unparalleled dining experience. This dish, with its fusion of flavors and artistry, is not just a creation—it is a gastronomic masterpiece that speaks the language of Michelin-starred recognition.


Once upon a time in a small town nestled between rolling hills and cherry blossom trees, there was a renowned chef named Akiro. Known for his culinary artistry and a touch of magic in the kitchen, Chef Akiro dreamt of creating a dish that would captivate the hearts and palates of all who tasted it. His inspiration came from the annual Cherry Blossom Festival that enchanted the town every spring.

One day, as the cherry blossoms bloomed in a riot of pink and white, Chef Akiro decided to embark on a culinary journey that would fuse the essence of the festival with the sophistication of Michelin-starred dining. And so, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley was born.

Chef Akiro started by carefully selecting the freshest salmon fillets from the local fish market. With an artistic flair, he seared the salmon to perfection, creating a crispy golden skin that promised a symphony of textures with each bite.

As the aroma of cherry blossom tea wafted through his kitchen, Chef Akiro infused the jasmine rice with its delicate floral notes, creating a bed of grains that echoed the transient beauty of the blossoms. The rice, now a canvas of elegance, awaited the starring role of the seared salmon.

In a corner of his kitchen, pots bubbled with the alchemy of pickled ginger coulis and yuzu miso glaze. The pickled ginger added a zesty kick, a playful dance on the palate, while the yuzu miso glaze contributed a citrusy umami revelation that would elevate the dish to new heights.

As the final masterpiece came together, Chef Akiro meticulously plated the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley. The rice, adorned with cherry blossoms, formed the base, and the seared salmon fillet took center stage. The pickled ginger coulis and yuzu miso glaze were drizzled with precision, creating a visual masterpiece that mirrored the enchanting scenery of the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Word spread quickly about Chef Akiro’s creation, and soon, the Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley became the talk of the town. Diners traveled from far and wide to experience the magical fusion of flavors that transported them to the heart of the Cherry Blossom Festival with each bite.

Legend has it that those who tasted Chef Akiro’s Sakura Bliss Salmon Medley felt a connection to the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms—a connection that lingered long after the last morsel had been savored. And so, the small town became a destination, not just for cherry blossoms in spring but for a culinary enchantment that unfolded throughout the year, thanks to the artistry and magic of Chef Akiro.